Welcome to "Find Friends - Where are you?". With "Find Friends - Where are you?" you can:
- Realtime location sharing
- Bookmark your location, view your location history
- Share your location to friends via SMS, email and "Find Friends - Where are you?" notification.
- See your location, and your friend's locations on a Map. Save location history which friends shared to you.
- Share your location to your friends, they only know your location at the time you share your location to them.
- Share your location to your group which you created before, this feature is very useful when you go sight seeing..
- Send request to your friends to know their current location.
- Send request to your group to know locations of all friends in that group.
"Find Friends - Where are you?" will push notifications to friends when you send requests to them, and receive notifications from your friends.
Please install and experience with "Find Friends - Where are you?"
If you have questions or comments about "Find Friends - Where are you?" please contact us immediately contact@cylotus.com email address. We are always ready to collect opinions of users to complete this application.
Sincere thanks to the support of our readers for applications on mobile.
欢迎来到“寻找朋友 - 你在哪里?”。用“寻找朋友 - 你在哪里?”您可以:
- 实时位置共享
- 为您的位置添加书签,查看您的位置记录
- 通过短信,电子邮件和“寻找朋友 - 你在哪里?”分享你的位置给朋友。通知。
- 在地图上查看您的位置和您朋友的位置。保存朋友分享给您的位置记录。
- 将您的位置分享给您的朋友,他们只有在您与他们分享您的位置时才知道您的位置。
- 将您的位置分享给您之前创建的小组,此功能在您观看时非常有用..
- 向您的朋友发送请求以了解他们当前的位置。
- 向您的群组发送请求,以了解该群组中所有朋友的位置。
“找朋友 - 你在哪里?”当您向他们发送请求时,会将通知推送给朋友,并接收朋友的通知。
请安装并体验“寻找朋友 - 你在哪里?”
如果您对“寻找朋友 - 你在哪里?”有任何疑问或意见请立即联系我们contact@cylotus.com电子邮件地址。我们随时准备收集用户的意见以完成此应用程序。